Beginning on January 1, 2025, certain registered entities are now required to file an annual report to verify continued existence. Included are domestic non-profit corporations, which typically include community associations (condominium, homeowner, co-operatives).
Gawthrop Greenwood Attorney on Technology News Network
Insight from Gawthrop Greenwood attorney Kristen Bennett was recently published by the local technology news network Delaware.
In the article “Tech after death: Checking in on Delaware’s digital assets law,” Bennett discusses the hotly contested legal issue of what happens to the digital accounts of Facebook, Google and Yahoo users after they die, and who has access to the accounts of the deceased.
As a member of the Delaware Bar Association’s Estate and Trusts section, Bennett served on the committee that helped draft legislation on Delaware’s Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act. She focuses her practice at Gawthrop Greenwood, PC on estate planning and administration, as well as trust administration. She also provides counsel on taxation and tax planning for businesses.
Bennett was recently named a “Delaware Rising Star” in Tax by Super Lawyers Magazine for the fourth year in a row.