Gawthrop Greenwood trusts & estates attorney P. Kristen Bennett joined WHYY host Shirley Min as they discussed the basics of estate planning and so much more on WHYY's "You Oughta Know" show that aired February 7th and February 8th. Watch the segment...
Gawthrop Greenwood Fulfills Holiday Wishes of Families in Need

Gawthrop Greenwood is donating a shiny blue bike, plus more than $1,000 worth of toys and clothing to local families in need this holiday season.
Four families will receive the gifts, with 10 children ranging in age from 3 months old to 15 years old. The families requested assistance through the Chester County Department of Children, Youth & Families (CYF), which accepted the donation on Thursday, December 14, 2017.
It’s the sixth year that employees of Gawthrop Greenwood, PC have joined together to donate their personal funds for the program and volunteer their time to shop for gifts. Since the firm’s donations began, Gawthrop Greenwood has given more than $5,000 worth of gifts and monetary donations. Legal assistants Karen Carter and Julie Smith organize the donation efforts.
“We coordinate many services for local families through the Chester County Department of Children, Youth and Families,” said attorney Walter Eells, who leads the firm’s Family Law practice. “It’s always a pleasure to be able to assist those families throughout the year, but especially during the holidays.”