Gawthrop Greenwood trusts & estates attorney P. Kristen Bennett joined WHYY host Shirley Min as they discussed the basics of estate planning and so much more on WHYY's "You Oughta Know" show that aired February 7th and February 8th. Watch the segment...
Gawthrop Supports March for Babies

When she was born six weeks early in February 2013, Jackie McKenna weighed only 5 lbs., 12 oz. She spent 24 days in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) at Paoli Hospital, learning to eat, breathe, swallow and digest nourishment.
Grateful that their daughter received the care she needed to survive and eventually leave the NICU, and for the support of the March of Dimes for research and treatment, Jackie’s parents Stacey Fuller and Patrick McKenna formed “Team Jackie West Chester” for the March of Dimes March for Babies, held at West Goshen Community Park on April 24. Fuller and McKenna are partners at Gawthrop Greenwood, PC, a March for Babies Ambassador Family Sponsor. Fuller is also co-chair of West Chester March for Babies.
Team Jackie has raised more than $4,000 over the past three years for the March of Dimes, money which supports community programs that help moms have healthy, full-term pregnancies, and funds research to find answers to the problems that threaten babies’ lives.