Beginning on January 1, 2025, certain registered entities are now required to file an annual report to verify continued existence. Included are domestic non-profit corporations, which typically include community associations (condominium, homeowner, co-operatives).
Individual Businesses Can Apply for Up to $25,000 in Grant Funding in Chester County
The Chester County Commissioners have announced that they’ve set aside $5 million to provide funding for small businesses and agricultural enterprises in Chester County. Grants of up to $25,000 will be available to individual businesses through the Chester County Main Street Preservation program, and applications are due Monday, May 11, 2020.
Initial eligibility requirements include for-profit small businesses and agricultural enterprises with annual revenues of $500,000 or less. Companies that have received approval for funding from the Paycheck Protection Program, EIDL, or PA State CWCA program are now eligible.
Other requirements:
- Business operations and headquarters must be physically located in Chester County (regardless of owner’s residence or location of business incorporation)
- Applicants must have at least $20,000 in annual operating expenses
- Applicant businesses must have been formed and in operation no later than 2019 (businesses formed in 2020 are not eligible)
- Passive businesses, such as commercial or residential landlords, are ineligible
More details can be found on the Chester County Economic Development Council’s website, including the application forms and application checklist.
All eligible small businesses and agricultural enterprises are invited to submit a grant application on Monday, May 11th, 5AM-9PM.
In addition, the Chester County Economic Development Council (CCEDC) hosted a live webinar to discuss the application process and eligibility requirements on Thursday, May 7th, for all business owners who are eligible for a grant. To watch the recorded video, visit