Beginning on January 1, 2025, certain registered entities are now required to file an annual report to verify continued existence. Included are domestic non-profit corporations, which typically include community associations (condominium, homeowner, co-operatives).
Business Law Attorney Gordon W. Prince Joins Gawthrop Greenwood, PC
Gawthrop Greenwood, PC, a full-service law firm with offices in West Chester, PA and Greater Wilmington, DE, welcomes Gordon W. Prince as an associate attorney practicing in the firm’s Business Law Department with a focus on financing, transactions, contracts, mergers and acquisitions, business compliance issues, real estate matters and corporate governance.
A recent Wolcott Fellow for Chief Justice Strine in the Delaware Supreme Court, Prince participated first-hand in the adjudication of significant corporate cases. He has also served as a law clerk in multiple Philadelphia law firms that focused on criminal defense and insurance and subrogation law.
A former Class II patrolman for the Ocean City Police Department who also worked police security detail within the Ocean City Municipal Courthouse, Prince graduated number one in his class at Widener University Delaware Law School.
“Gordon’s experience in the courtroom, both as a member of law enforcement as well as in the legal profession, are a major benefit to our clients,” says Sandra L. Knapp, chair of the management committee at Gawthrop Greenwood, PC. “His academic record is exceptional and we are pleased to be welcoming him as part of the next generation to shape our Business Law Department.”
Before becoming valedictorian at Widener University, Gordon was articles editor of the Widener Law Review, an Academic Success Fellow and dean’s honor recipient every semester. He received the William J. Connor Memorial Award for Administrative Law, Judge J. Cullen Ganey Criminal Procedure Award and was honored by the Transactional Law Honor Society for Best Contract.
Prince is a member of the Chester County Bar Association.