Beginning on January 1, 2025, certain registered entities are now required to file an annual report to verify continued existence. Included are domestic non-profit corporations, which typically include community associations (condominium, homeowner, co-operatives).
Gawthrop Presents: Carl W. Heckert on Delaware Child Support Laws
Gawthrop Greenwood partner Carl W. Heckert presented on child support laws in Delaware before members of the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, November 1, 2018.
A member of the firm’s Family Law Department, Heckert’s family law practice includes divorce, property division, custody, child support, alimony, protection from abuse, as well as grandparent and stepparent’s rights. An experienced litigator, Heckert is also well-practiced in mediation and dispute resolution.
In his presentation before Chamber members, Heckert covered topics including:
- Child support guidelines for parents who are newly separated
- How child support is calculated, including: Income from all sources, health insurance cost, day care, private schooling and how many overnights each parent has with a child
- How unemployment and large salaries affect child support
- What to do if one parent is self employed and is under-reporting income
- Child support guidelines for parents denied visitation rights
- When does child support end?
- What happens when a parent moves to a different state after child support is calculated here
- Penalties for failure to pay child support, including license revocation, tax refund intercepts and incarceration
For more information on Carl’s law practice, email or call 302-777-5353.