Beginning on January 1, 2025, certain registered entities are now required to file an annual report to verify continued existence. Included are domestic non-profit corporations, which typically include community associations (condominium, homeowner, co-operatives).
Gawthrop Presents: Anthony T. Verwey at CCATO Conference
Gawthrop Greenwood attorney Anthony T. Verwey presented on “Housing Needs In Chester County: Affordable Housing, Rentals, Accessory Dwelling Units and Tiny Houses” at the Chester County Association of Township Officials Spring Conference, which was held March 13, 2018 at The Desmond in Malvern, PA.
Says CCATO, “Affordable housing is a key economic development strategy, attracting and retaining a growing, well-educated workforce. There is growing recognition of the significant economic benefits to providing diverse housing options. This panel will discuss affordable housing options, walkable, mixed-use neighborhood options, accessory dwelling units, tiny houses and related planning issues.”
Moderated by Oxford Township Supervisor Charles Fleischmann, Verwey was joined by fellow panelist Susan Elks, Planning Services Division Director at the Chester County Planning Commission.
Anthony T. Verwey is a partner at Gawthrop Greenwood, PC, where he focuses his practice in real estate law, as well as municipal law and litigation. Tony can be reached at or 610-696-8225