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Delaware license plate

The Case of the $410,000 License Plate

When Gawthrop Greenwood trusts and estates attorney P. Kristen Bennett learned that her client’s Delaware license plate sold for $410,000 at auction, even she was shocked. “This is an asset that is unique to Delaware and the intricacies of its…

What Happens to My Animals?

“There has to be a better way to do this. If you want to leave money for your animals, you don’t want it all to go to taxes,” long-time horse owner Bonnie Ollie tells equestrian magazine USDF Connection. For insight…

Gawthrop Greenwood Government and Land Use Department

Gawthrop Greenwood, PC Appointed Solicitor of Coatesville

Gawthrop Greenwood, PC is pleased to announce it has been appointed solicitor of the City of Coatesville, Pennsylvania. “Municipalities across our region are facing challenges as they navigate population and business growth, as well as an ever-changing regulatory and legal environment,”  says…

Gawthrop's attorneys at West Chester bike race

Gawthrop Greenwood Takes the Trike Challenge

In support of the Greater West Chester Chamber of Commerce, Gawthrop Greenwood, PC recently took the "Trike Challenge" and entered a team to compete against other local businesses in an adult tricycle race. The Trike Challenge is one of several…

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